Satoraljaujhely - Environmental remediation, fitoremediation - Biocentrum Ltd.

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The ELZETT CERTA Zárgyártó, Présöntő és Szerszámkészítő Vállalat FA
(Lock manufacturer, Die caster and Tool manufacturer Company) was obligated by the regulations of the Environmental Protection Inspectorship of North-Hungary to eliminate the contamination caused on their industrial site. The environmental survey was made in 1995 by Golder Associates Ltd., and the remediation was carried out by our company as a subcontractor of CONSULT Ltd.
During the operation we used emulsion separator, skimmer equipment and air-stripper towers with activated carbon filter. As a result of the technical intervention we yielded and treated 324 862 m3 groundwater and skimmed 170 liters of free phase floating hydrocarbon. Ultimately the contamination was completely eliminated.
(C) 2018 Biocentrum Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
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